PG 35-01-35:2005
PG 35-01-35:2005
General criteria for the identification of hazardous industrial items
PG 35-05-63:2005
PG 35-05-63:2005
Rules for the reception in the exploitation of the technology system of the powering station for automobiles powered by oil products
PG RD 10-107:2005
PG RD 10-107:2005
Instructions for the hangers regarding the harmless working with the lifting machines.
PG RD 10-199:2005
PG RD 10-199:2005
Instructions regarding the harmless working for machinists at auto-towers (auto-turrets).
RG 35-01-33:2005
RG 35-01-33:2005
Rules regarding the organization and executing of the control in production regarding respecting the requirements for the industrial security with hazardous industrial items.
RG 35-01-47:2005
RG 35-01-47:2005
The procedure to elaborate and record authorizations for the manufacturing and utilization of technical installations of hazardous industrial items
RG 35-01-68:2005
RG 35-01-68:2005
General rules for industrial security for enterprises which work in the industrial security domain regarding hazardous industrial items
RG 35-02-23:2005
RG 35-02-23:2005
The procedure to attribute the mining perimeters for use in the underground in purposes which are not tied to the extraction of useful minerals.
RG 35-04-29:2005
RG 35-04-29:2005
Evaluation of the technical state of underground gas pipes
RG 35-05-44:2005
RG 35-05-44:2005
Rules for the anti-flammable security regarding hazardous industrial items for warehousing and cereal processing

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